The journey of life is filled with curves, bumps, and straight roads. Our journey has been interesting and for the last five years, our road has been filled with surprises and challenges. Please join us on this journey.

Monday, February 26, 2007


When I think of my children, I have many visuals that come to mind. I remember when Stesha was little, running across the playground getting ready to climb the "big toy." The expression on her face, flushed with excitement, ready to take on the world. I remember taking Simon to McDonalds so he could play in the play area, jumping in the ball pit, climbing through the tubes and down the slides. Memories like this brim to the surface when thinking of my children.

When I think of Javad, I wonder what those playful memories will include. It will not be filled with the same kind of activities that the other kids have been a part of. Javad loves to watch movies. He has absorbed the world thorugh his eyes. Last week one of his nurses, Deb, introduced us to a new preschool website. David (Javad's dad) has a new touch screen computer that Javad has been using to access this site. We can almost see the gears turning in his head. He is in love with this site.

Sometimes having a child with a disability gives a new perspective to playfulness and what playing really means. Is it watching the flush of excitment to do something new or the actual physical act of playing? Having Javad is similar to a constant search through uncharted waters. His playing is just beginning. This is yet another journey that I look forward to participating in!

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