The journey of life is filled with curves, bumps, and straight roads. Our journey has been interesting and for the last five years, our road has been filled with surprises and challenges. Please join us on this journey.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Javad's and his impact

Javad is doing remarkably well. Sometimes I wonder if I am too comfortable with how he is doing. He is doing so well. He has been spending more and more time off the vent. It is really amazing. Adam has just completed the website for Javad's Place. I am really excited about this new organization. I am going to be working with my friend, Lee, to get this non-profit off the ground. Everyone who I have talked to is really excited about the possibilities that may come from this.

I have been involved with Landmark Education and I have a class that is coming up, the Self Expression and Leadership Program. In this course, you choose and project and help it get off the ground. I am really excited about getting Javad's Place off the ground. It is a dream that I have. I have felt that having Javad was for a purpose. I want to help others, give Javad a voice, make a difference. Javad's Place will start here, but I want it to make an impact that makes a ripple that goes into a wave.

This is our life, one that I want to look back on and be proud. I want my children to carry on Javad's Place, have it make a difference.

Now we start!

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