The journey of life is filled with curves, bumps, and straight roads. Our journey has been interesting and for the last five years, our road has been filled with surprises and challenges. Please join us on this journey.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bear in the Big Blue House

Today Javad went back to school, after three weeks at home sick with RSV. I was glad to see him back in the saddle, I guess it went well. He was a little tired, falling asleep on the bus on the way home from school. When I got home from lacrosse practice, he was already in bed, watching Bear in the Big Blue House.

So one would think that watching BiBBH once or twice would be enought, right. Well, not Javad! He is continually in the once is good, ten times is better mode. He watches movie in an almost obsessive mode, over and over. He has watched Bear for over 2 hours, the same three episodes. If he could talk, he would be singing along at this point. I know taht I am almost singing along. This was the same as when we watched Finding Nemo. Once a day was not enough.

I guess we'll just put them in individual bags and set them outside the tank, so we can get free, back into the ocean. Okay, that's from Nemo...guess I have watched it once too many times!

On to tomorrow!

1 comment:

Ann said...

I believe that Javad and Jack would make the best of buddies. Jack is a movie buff (100x over) as well!