The journey of life is filled with curves, bumps, and straight roads. Our journey has been interesting and for the last five years, our road has been filled with surprises and challenges. Please join us on this journey.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bear in the Big Blue House

Today Javad went back to school, after three weeks at home sick with RSV. I was glad to see him back in the saddle, I guess it went well. He was a little tired, falling asleep on the bus on the way home from school. When I got home from lacrosse practice, he was already in bed, watching Bear in the Big Blue House.

So one would think that watching BiBBH once or twice would be enought, right. Well, not Javad! He is continually in the once is good, ten times is better mode. He watches movie in an almost obsessive mode, over and over. He has watched Bear for over 2 hours, the same three episodes. If he could talk, he would be singing along at this point. I know taht I am almost singing along. This was the same as when we watched Finding Nemo. Once a day was not enough.

I guess we'll just put them in individual bags and set them outside the tank, so we can get free, back into the ocean. Okay, that's from Nemo...guess I have watched it once too many times!

On to tomorrow!

Monday, February 26, 2007


When I think of my children, I have many visuals that come to mind. I remember when Stesha was little, running across the playground getting ready to climb the "big toy." The expression on her face, flushed with excitement, ready to take on the world. I remember taking Simon to McDonalds so he could play in the play area, jumping in the ball pit, climbing through the tubes and down the slides. Memories like this brim to the surface when thinking of my children.

When I think of Javad, I wonder what those playful memories will include. It will not be filled with the same kind of activities that the other kids have been a part of. Javad loves to watch movies. He has absorbed the world thorugh his eyes. Last week one of his nurses, Deb, introduced us to a new preschool website. David (Javad's dad) has a new touch screen computer that Javad has been using to access this site. We can almost see the gears turning in his head. He is in love with this site.

Sometimes having a child with a disability gives a new perspective to playfulness and what playing really means. Is it watching the flush of excitment to do something new or the actual physical act of playing? Having Javad is similar to a constant search through uncharted waters. His playing is just beginning. This is yet another journey that I look forward to participating in!

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Yes folks, there is a Santa Claus. Javad is back! He has finally kicked the RSV cold and is making progress. Today he was off the vent for 7 hours. Yahoo! Okay, so he fell asleep at 5 pm and just woke up (at 9:54)...yes folks, it could be a very long night!

I am so glad to see him feeling better. I was beginning to wonder. My niece has RSV right now too. She's only 7 months old. Now they have put her on Prednisone and she is having episodes of "roid rage." Ahhh, how I remember.

Keep Javad and the others that are fighting this nasty bug (Javad's dad is one of them.) in your thoughts.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Today we are remembering my mother, Javad's GramPatti, who passed away three years ago. To read more go to Driving on the Highway of Life. On a final note, it is my grandmother, Virginia's, birthday! Happy birthday!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Javad's Place Buddy Program

The Buddy Program is officially in the works. For those of you who aren't familiar with the Buddy Program being offered through Javad's Place, let me enlighten you! :)

Javad's Place is a non-profit that I am putting together to do a variety of things including Family Advocacy, Equipment Exchange, and the Buddy Program. The Buddy Program will be designed to pair up children and families, one with a disability and one without, to provide "play dates" for the children. As the parent of a child with a profound physical disability, I can honestly say that one of my biggest concerns is that Javad will not have many opportunities to have normal play activities. This has been the information I have received from other families as well. Children can become emotionally and physically isolated from their peers and the Buddy Program will start to break down those walls. In my perfect world, this program will help break down the walls and open up a clearing for acceptance and playfulness.

Families would receive training about the opposite family's child, and there would be an open discussion regarding concerns. The ideal situation would involve families seeing the value of this friendship for both themselves and their children, both short and long term.

I am going to get organizations on board to provide (what I hope will be) monthly events for participants. The more things that families can do together, the more comfortable that they will be with each other. I am going to start with one to two schools this next year, then look to expand the following year. I will be fundraising and looking to sponsor events. The project? Create a manual outlining the Buddy Project, giving the educational outcomes, creating the possibility of what it can bring to each school that implements it. I am also going to create the Kick-Off Event (I am hoping at the Portland Zoo) where there will be media coverage that will highlight the Program.

This is a new chapter in our lives, one that I am excited for.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Will this ever end?

Sometimes it is frustrating. As the parent of a child with a major disability, sometimes it's easy to get comfortable in your own space. When you are having a healthy run, it is easy to forget how frustrating it is when illness strikes.

Javad has been sick for two weeks. We are fairly sure that it is RSV, but I am getting concerned that he may be developing a secondary infection. Javad has missed two weeks of school and will most likely be out of commission for another week. Luckily, he doesn't have school this coming week.

I am reminded of how fragile life is these last few weeks. My friend has a daughter that has a form of dysautonomia. When she was young, she had difficulty speaking, walking, etc. Over the last few years, she has been developing well, growing, and generally getting stronger. her parents are in touch with her disease, even though there is nothing that can be done, in theory. Last week, she got sick. She got weaker and weaker until she was almost bed-bound. it is a rash reminder for all of us. I was talking to her dad and, he too, is reminded of how far we have come.

Another friend's son, who is a year younger Javad, spent the night in the PICU. His trach came out and he was without oxygen for up to 3 minutes. Although he is doing better, again, it's a frightening reminder of where things could go.

I am grateful that Javad is doing okay, even sick. Oddly, it is hard to remember when this was our life and we were living between illnesses. Now, we are just living.

I guess the first step is just making it through this particular illness.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Nothing New!

What else is there to say?

Still sick

Okay, so maybe this is becoming the continuous post. Javad is still sick. I think the other night when we went to grami and papa's, it may have been a bit much for him...I guess I hope that the next entry will be better news!

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Well, I think that we are making progress. Although today Javad still didn't get to go to school today, he did get to have preschool at home, be off the vent for more than on 45 minute period, play, and start to be a boy again. He is still not feeling totally up to snuff, but he is finally moving in the right direction.

The best part? We all went to Grami and Papa's to watch the opening night of Survivor: Fiji.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Another Blah day!

Well, it has been another sick day! Not much to write. Javad's day consisted of sitting up in his chair (which he loved!) being off the vent for 45 minutes (which he also loved) and playing on his side (again, loved it!). Unfortunately, he is still sick. Those activies wiped him out and he fell asleep at 5:30 pm (and is still sleeping). I guess that's his day...not real exciting, but hopefully better tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A new day and clearly feeling better!

so today is C-day (cold day) + 5 that Javad has been feeling sick. I think that he is finally beginning to turn around and get onto the mend. Today he was not running a fever (yeah!), he was off the vent for 45 minutes (a small start, but at least a start!), and sat up in his chair for an hour!

Sometimes it is hard to remember how important small steps are in Javad's life. It brings back memories. When Javad as little we relished in every small step. It seems almost weird how comfortable we are with how well Javad is doing, that sometimes we forget how far we have come, how fragile he was when he was young.

A cold used to throw us into a whirl, now we just give tylenol and ibuprofen and move forward.

Five years and light years ahead....

Monday, February 05, 2007

Another day, same cold!


Well, there Javad sits (or rather lays) on the big bed, still sick. I am sure that in his mind (which he would so love to speak!) he is screaming, "Okay, enough of the movies, books, and lying around. Let's do SOMETHING!!" I guess the good news is that today there is a lot less stuff running out of all of his facial orafices (again, I know, TMI, but you are choosing to read this!) Overall, Javad is feeling better. He is running a low grade fever, is on the vent all the time (a huge bummer, but a necessary evil), and has watched the first five minutes and final credits of "Finding Nemo" probably 50 times today (Chalk that up to being up to push the fast forward button on the DVD player!)

Overall, I think we are on the upswing of this cold. Unfortunately, Javad won't go to school tomorrow, but he may be ready by Thursday. We'll see how it all goes....every day, less snot...That's our Motto!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Football or Movies? You pick..

Today, the day that many people revere at one of the greatest days, Superbowl Sunday, Javad spent the day in bed. He has a cold, he is feeling crummy, he has stuff coming from every orafice of his face. I know, too much information, but alas, it is true. So, what do you do when you are five, have a bad cold, and its Superbowl Sunday? Watch movies! Javad got to see quite the plethora of movies choices...he started ith his all time favorite, Monsters Inc, moved on to Cars, then Brother Bear, and Lion King 1 1/2. I know you are thinking, can it get better? Well, to finish it off, he watched Doogal. Yes folks that's about 7 hours of movies, but honestly what better is there to do when you have loads of snot running from your face? You can drown in snot or watch movies! I know that your choice would be the same as Javad....bring on the Tylenol and press play!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Javad's and his impact

Javad is doing remarkably well. Sometimes I wonder if I am too comfortable with how he is doing. He is doing so well. He has been spending more and more time off the vent. It is really amazing. Adam has just completed the website for Javad's Place. I am really excited about this new organization. I am going to be working with my friend, Lee, to get this non-profit off the ground. Everyone who I have talked to is really excited about the possibilities that may come from this.

I have been involved with Landmark Education and I have a class that is coming up, the Self Expression and Leadership Program. In this course, you choose and project and help it get off the ground. I am really excited about getting Javad's Place off the ground. It is a dream that I have. I have felt that having Javad was for a purpose. I want to help others, give Javad a voice, make a difference. Javad's Place will start here, but I want it to make an impact that makes a ripple that goes into a wave.

This is our life, one that I want to look back on and be proud. I want my children to carry on Javad's Place, have it make a difference.

Now we start!