The journey of life is filled with curves, bumps, and straight roads. Our journey has been interesting and for the last five years, our road has been filled with surprises and challenges. Please join us on this journey.

Friday, April 20, 2007

How many?

It just seems that Javad can't get a break. Over a week ago he had been showing signs that he may be getting sick. He was running a fever, was pale, and having a difficult time breathing. I had to go to school and pcik him up early, he scared them so much. I took Javad to the doctor on friday, we took a sputum sample and adjusted his vent settings. On Monday, he stll wasn't looking very well and we thought we may have to admit him. The sputum sample revealed that Javad had strep and a heavy growth of pseudomonas. We began treating wiht Cipro and tobramycin. Needless to say, almost a week later, he is not really better. Well, if we want to look at the little things, he is better. He is still having issues with running a fever, is on the vent all the time, but not on oxygen. He is pretty crabby and doesn't want anyone to touch him. Yesterday I took him in again and Dr. McQuestin says he probably has a virus on top of it all. Can the kids get a break?

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