The journey of life is filled with curves, bumps, and straight roads. Our journey has been interesting and for the last five years, our road has been filled with surprises and challenges. Please join us on this journey.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Javad's first move

Well, school is out for Javad. Happy Valley Elementary is being destroyed. It is kind of sad. Stesha and Simon both went to Happy sister went to Happy Valley and now a new school has been built and Javad will go there next year. It is both an elementary and middle school, so essentially he will be in the same building for 8 years.

Javad will re-do kindergarten next year so we can get all his equipment taken care of. He will also start a hybrid schedule next year, staying until 1pm. He will be in class all morning and then get his "specials" during the next hour. This hopefully will help him in the long term.

He is doing well! He loved school...we are going on some field trips this summer (just the family).

It's going to be great! I am excited!


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